My truth is that we are, in fact, the center and creator of our own Universe, that we are spiritual beings having a human experience, that there is no one path to God but that we’ll all get there eventually and that we were put on this Earth to enjoy our bodies and experience the beauty of physical reality.
April's Inspiration Sister: Lyndsay Schumacher
The last two years have dramatically changed who I was, allowing me to step more fully into who I am and to witness the unfolding of who I will be. I’m not even sure who the person was anymore that made the big move from Canada to the US in May 2012 and I don’t miss her at all. I am slowly but surely metamorphosing into the person that I am supposed to be, my true self.
March's Inspiration Sister: Cara Danae
I'm finding more and more through personal experiences that there is nothing wrong with sitting at that crossroad for a moment instead of flying down the first road that someone says leads to a better future, happiness, or success. Rather, take that moment of stillness to listen to your instincts, you heart, and your body.