
The Magic of Surrender

The Magic of Surrender

Whether you are consciously aware of it or not, you are choosing to be exactly where you are right now. If the pain of where you are were to become great enough, you would move, physically or emotionally.  But oftentimes we're afraid to step outside of our comfort zone, no matter how uncomfortable, because it's our "known hell."  The certainty of the known is typically seemingly less scary than the uncertainty of entering into the unknown. 

I get that.  I too lived there for a long time.  And then one day, I chose to do something different.

One month with Ayahuasca

One month with Ayahuasca

One month in the Amazon jungle of Peru and eight Ayahuasca ceremonies later, I feel that I've taken a huge leap forward in my level of awareness about myself, the world, and life as a whole.

Ayahuasca, or la medicina, is a plant medicine that contains high levels of a compound called DMT, which is found naturally in the human brain, and has been used for thousands of years by the indigenous people of South America.