My life used to feel jumbled. Tight. Too much.
I used to become overwhelmed easily. I felt weak and fragile. I felt sensitive, like the slightest thing would throw me off balance.
Then, I learned the magic of creating space.
Almost two years ago in a deeply transformative Ayahuasca ceremony, I was shown the art of creating space. I was shown how the Universe abhors a vacuum, so the moment I create space with intention, it will be filled with something that will help me grow, evolve, progress.
The key here is **with intention**. This means using the power of my imagination to move out what is no longer serving and actively call in what is needed.
Creating space starts energetically. It's all in our mind. We don't have to know **what** exactly we're creating space for, or even what exactly needs to be released.
We just need to know "This isn't working" and then ask "What's next, life?"
Creating that space in your heart and mind will then align you with creating space in your physical life. Begin by having a dialogue with life. Tell it you're ready to have more wiggle room in your beingness.
Meditate. Shut off the TV. Stay in on a Friday night. Become comfortable with not having something around to distract you every moment of every day.
Cleaning closets, both literally and metaphorically, will begin to happen naturally. That's not to say it will always be easy, but staying with the old (thoughts, relationships, things, etc) will become so uncomfortable that you won't want to do anything but release them.
When you release what's no longer in alignment with your highest good, you'll feel free. You may feel a bit lost too, being without that thing you've held onto for so long, but feeling lost is an indicator that you're doing things your own way.
Humble yourself. Begin to pray. Ask for guidance. Keep your mind focused on "What's next?" and life will begin to reveal it for you.
What's next is YOU, dear. You in all your fullest expressions, living in alignment with life instead of fighting it as you've been doing for so long.
Happy space creating, you magical being.
The photo that inspired today's share.. Lounging in Central Park with Kennedy & his human, the fabulous Sarah Mushtaq