
What You Don't See.. (Invisible Illness)

What You Don't See.. (Invisible Illness)

What you don’t see is that while on one hand I’m grateful to everything I’ve learned through having an invisible chronic illness, it sucks. It really fucking sucks. And some days, all I can do is cry my eyes out to ease the weight that I carry around in my heart, trusting that tomorrow will be lighter and I can get back to living..

What is coaching?

What is coaching?

Coaches help you to gain a new perspective so that you can face life's challenges feeling empowered and inspired to create breakthroughs in your life. We're professionally trained to support you as you learn to accelerate through life's challenges. Working with a coach is not therapy. It's a completely different dimension of personal development. It's having someone in your corner, cheering you on and giving you the hard love that you sometimes may not want to hear but is necessary for your growth.

Creating Space

Creating Space

When you release what's no longer in alignment with your highest good, you'll feel free. You may feel a bit lost too, being without that thing you've held onto for so long, but feeling lost is an indicator that you're doing things your own way.

Humble yourself. Begin to pray. Ask for guidance. Keep your mind focused on "What's next?" and life will begin to reveal it for you.